Nancy Armo’s ‘Doggie’ won the 2023 Purrfect Page-Turner Award!


Nancy Armo’s ‘Doggie’ won the 2023 Purrfect Page-Turner Award!

Each year, a cat-themed children’s book is chosen to receive the Purrfect Page-Turner Award (PPTA). The award is sponsored by Paws to Read Month and children’s author and cat-lover Lee Wardlaw. It was high time for cat-centric books to be honored with an award, and Lee Wardlaw turned that into a reality!

2023 was the debut award year and we’re incredibly proud to say that Nancy Armo’s ‘Doggie’ won this paw-some award!


A little boy wants a dog and is surprised when a cat comes to live at his house. Can this cat play fetch? NO! Can this cat do tricks? NO! Can this cat replace a dog? MAYBE. Maybe this cat is just what a little boy needs.

A heartwarming book about expectations, surprises, and a cat named Doggie. For animal lovers ages 4 years and up.


Nancy received an award plaque, award seals for her book cover, and $1.000 in cash! Half of the award money was generously donated by Nancy to ResQCats in Santa Barbara, California.

The 2024 PPTA have just come to its end. In March, a new fur-midable winner will be announced! We look forward to it!

On top of that, Nancy was chosen to design bookmarks for ‘Children’s Book Week’ by the Children’s Book Council! Incredible!

Congratulations again, Nancy and Doggie!